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The Toluca Lake Homeowners Association (TLHOA) is a 501 (c) (4) non-profit organization. TLHOA is a volunteerdriven community organization. It is governed by an unpaid volunteer board of directors comprised of village homeowners who are HOA members.





To serve, engage, and support our community.





Toluca Lake will be an exceptional neighborhood, featuring exceptional single-family living, appropriate multi-familyliving options, and a robust local economy including local retail, dining, and entertainment.





The Toluca Lake HOA is guided by the following core values:


  • quality of living

  • passionate volunteerism

  • accountability to our members

  • inclusion of all residents





Create Community – Organize events and gatherings, as well as implement strategies to promote a cohesiveand vibrant community.


Promote Smart Development – Monitor and engage in major proposed development projects to maintain the characterof the village while recognizing the inevitability of change.


Support Local Business – Promote actions and policies that support village businesses. Focus on Livability –Address opportunities improve a safe, livable village on a human scale.


Build Financial Sustainability – Build funding strategies to assure the TLHOA is financially stable with the resources necessary to positively impact the village into the future.





Build Community

  • Outreach to Toluca Lake residents and businesses

  • Develop and implement action committees

  • Service and volunteer opportunities

  • Charity, Holiday and One-Day events


Promote Thoughtful, Appropriate Development

  • Develop written principles articulating key positions on development

  • Gather public input on proposed developments

  • Engage developers, government, and community organizations to align development strategies with village character and needs


Support Local Business

  • Collaborate with the Toluca Lake Chamber of Commerce to advocate for beneficial policies

  • Assist with raising awareness and maintaining local customers

  • Coordinating charity events with local businesses


Focus on Livability

  • Promote strategies enhancing pedestrian and bike safety

  • Develop strategies to enhance neighborhood aesthetics

  • Collaborate with LAPD on crime prevention

  • Engage government and community organizations on parking and traffic strategies


Build Financial Sustainability

  • Seek grant opportunities include CD4 discretionary funds

  • Build HOA reserves

  • Develop revenue streams

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